The New Alliance Group makes investments in several ways, such as through the acquisition of shares or participation rights, becoming the owner of a part of the company and sharing management with the investor.

We invest in startups that have already proven their revenue model, have already gone through MVP and are already in full operation. This type of business, normally, needs support to boost growth and scale the business.

We seek to launch a product or service with great chances of being well accepted, with efficient management supporting it.

How does New Alliance Group’s Venture Capital work?

Our aim is to support startups and businesses through the purchase of a shareholding, which is usually a minority. In addition to financial support, this may also involve a closer partnership with partners, including bringing executives to occupy strategic positions in the company.

The idea is that this business will grow fast and have high profitability. When this materializes, the company becomes worth more and we can withdraw from the business, allowing us to redeem our shares at a profit. This is called the “exit”.


3-Incorporations and structures: The New Alliance Group buys land, finances real estate deals, builds or causes builders to build projects, create, imagine, control and orchestrate the development process from start to finish. . We usually buy land, determine the sale of the property, develop the construction program and design, obtain the necessary public approval and financing, build the structures and rent, manage and, finally, sell.

We also work by taking over only part of the process where we acquire a property and obtain the approved plans and licenses before selling the property with the plans and licenses to a builder at a premium price. Alternatively, a developer who is also a builder can purchase a property with the plans and licenses in place so that they do not run the risk of failing to obtain planning approval and can start building the project immediately.

We work with all professionals throughout each step of the process, including architects, urban planners, engineers, surveyors, inspectors, contractors, lawyers, leasing agents, etc.

A development team can be formed in several ways. The New Alliance Group has its own technical team and also partners as each project requires.

Assembling a team of professionals to deal with environmental, economic, private, physical and political issues inherent to a complex development project is essential. Our success is having the ability to coordinate and lead the completion of a series of interrelated activities in an efficient and timely manner.

The development process requires the skills of many professionals: architects, landscape architects, civil engineers and website planners to handle the design of the project; market consultants to determine the demand and savings for a project; lawyers to handle government agreements and approvals; environmental consultants and soil engineers to analyze a site’s physical limitations and environmental impacts; surveyors and title companies to provide legal descriptions of a property; and creditors to provide financing.

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